It’s hard to predict what lies ahead. Will medical
and technological breakthroughs offer us new ways to prolong
our life and youthfulness? Or will an injury or chronic
condition limit our ability to live independently? Although
no one can say what the future will bring, there are some
things that we can already see on the horizon. These trends
suggest that, in the coming years, we’re more
likely to be on our own for long-term care:
Americans are living longer.
- By 2020, almost one out of six Americans will be 65
or older. This means that within 20 years, 32 states will
have populations that look like Florida today
- Over 40% of 65 year olds will live to age 90 by mid-century,
compared to 25% in 1980.
Families are under pressure to help growing numbers
of elders.
- The number of Americans age 65+ will reach 70 million
by 2030 – twice as many as today.
- Almost 40% of women age 65+, and half of women age 80,
lived alone in 2000.
- Women (who provide most family caregiving) are less
able to help because they have jobs or live far away from
elders in need.
Resources to pay for long-term care are shrinking.
- Only 35% of American workers today can depend on a pension
as their main source of income when they retire. Most
of us will rely on what we’ve saved in our 401(k)
plans, IRA’s or other retirement plans.
- Unless things change, Social Security will not have
enough money to pay full benefits to retirees by 2036.
- Medicaid programs in 49 states faced budget shortfalls
in 2003. As a result, many states cut back on long-term
care services to seniors.
When traveling alone, the more you know, the better your
chances will be for having a successful trip.The good news
is that there are a lot of resources to help you along the
Things to know before
you go…