A Message From Jesse Slome, Executive Director of the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance
If you have attended prior LTCi Producers Summits - then you know the value of attending these events. The Summit brings together hundreds of leading producers who willingly share what's working (now ... not in the past). There's no other place where so many LTC agents and brokers ... insurers and industry experts gather to focus on selling and marketing LTC solutions.
The 2009 Summit will take place November 14-16, 2009 at the Westin Crown Center Hotel in Kansas City. This is an excellent hotel - located right iin the heart of KC. Kansas City is serviced by Southwest Airlines and every major carrier.
Click Here Now To See 2009 Summit Information and Registration
And, to make the 2009 Summit something you won't miss, THE COST IS LESS THAN EVER BEFORE!Early Registration is $225 for Association members. This includes 3 days of programming, 2 networking receptions, plated meals ... and more.
PLUS A VERY SPECIAL OPPORTUNITYI am so very proud and pleased to share news that I believe will make the 2009 Summit even better. For the past two years, the federal and State regulators and State officials resonsible for the LTC Partnership program have held their own outstanding conference. THIS YEAR, their conference and the Producers SUMMIT will be held together!
That means you will have a full day to hear from ... talk to ... the people responsible for partnership programs in 30 states (and we trust those from states preparing to come online.
Here is the link to see the full Summit program and to access a Registration Form. Early Registration ends July 15th. And, hotel rooms typically sell out much earlier than that.
Click Here Now To See 2009 Summit Information and Registration
Exhibit Opportunities For information, please call the Association offices at (818) 597-3227
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