Who is offering the LTCP class?
The American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance (AALTCI) in conjunction with the Insurance Education Program of America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) offer several classes during the year. Others are offered by specially trained instructors.
Do I need to be an AALTCI member to attend a class?
No, the classes are open to all. You may wish to join the Association in order to receive our member magazine and be listed on the "Find a Local LTCi Professional" Listing on our Website. Your name will be listed along with the LTCP logo to signify your accomplishment.
How much will I pay?
The cost of taking a classroom review class is $995. This covers the cost of the designation. It does not include any travel or hotel costs. NOTE: Some classes taught by instructors will cost $1,120 which includes fees charged by the instructor. This will be indicated on the Website.
What books will I receive and am I expected to read them before attending the review workshop?
You will receive four books:
- Long Term Care - Understanding the Needs and Options
- Financing the LTC Needs
- The LTC Insurance Product
- LTC Administration and Claims
Yes, you are expected to read these books prior to attending the Review Workshop since reading the books is essential to achieving a passing grade.
When will I receive the books?
All four books will be sent to you (via Ground UPS) once your Enrollment Application and the AALTCI office has received payment. Most instructors advise that you should bring your books to class.
Are periodic payments allowed?
Yes. If you register for the class at least three months in advance of the class date, you may pay for the class in three equal installments. See the Registration form for specific information.
What if I cannot attend the class?
If you must cancel, please let our office know as early as possible. You may participate in another class or switch to self-study. If you need to cancel completely, a $200 non-refundable processing fee to cover expenses will be charged.
Will there be homework in the evening?
That's something to ask the class sponsor/instructor. You may decide to form an informal study group with other students.
What testing is involved?
In order to earn the LTCP designation, a student must complete an examination for each of the four required workshops. Some sponsors arrange for you to take the four tests at a half-day session immediately following the class. Or, you may prefer to take them online at a later time under the supervision of an approved proctor in a public setting, such as a library or your post office. Test details will be provided at the Review Workshop.
How will I know if I passed?
Those testing online are notified immediately by AHIP. Those taking paper exams are generally notified within two to four weeks by AHIP.
Do insurance companies pay for LTCP designations?
Yes, some will reimburse you for the cost of earning your LTCP designation. Most do so after you complete the class and pass your exams. You should inquire with your company's Training Department to find out specific rules that apply. AALTCI does not maintain a listing of reimbursement policies.
What do I receive when I complete the LTCP?
You will receive a certificate evidencing your successful completion of the LTCP designation.
Can I use the LTCP designation?
Yes, upon completion and so long as it meets with your particular company's requirements and you remain in good standing with applicable licensing, professional and legal authorities.
Will CE credits be granted and if so, how many?
Most states grant CE credit for LTCP courses that range from 3 to 40 credits (per course). To register for CE credits you'll have to complete forms provided at the class by your instructor. CE Forms are processed by AHIP. CE rules periodically change therefore it is always advisable to check with state insurance departments as to whether a course is approved for continuing education. If you have questions about CE, please contact AHIP by calling 202-861-6374.
What is the dress code?
Generally classes are business casual. Again, the class sponsor or instructor determines this.