Long-Term Care Awareness Week Announced
Feb. 7, 2006 - AALTCI has declared Nov. 5-11, 2006 Long-Term Care Awareness Week. Local publicity kit provided for members to create awareness.
2005 Top 100 LTCi Producers Announced
Nov 1, 2005 - The top 100 long-term care insurance agents and brokers for 2005 were announced at the National LTCi Producers Summit.
U.S. Senator Addresses LTCi Producers
Oct 17, 2005 - U.S. Senator Kit Bond (R, MO) addressed some 750 of the nation’s leading long-term care insurance producers and industry leaders. 
Study Reveals How Long LTC Claims Really Last
Sep 15, 2005 - Shorter-term long-term care insurance policies can provide significant savings according to an AALTCI report. 
1 in 5 LTC Insurance Applicants Are Declined
Mar 8, 2005 - Consumers are not aware of the need to “Health Qualify” for long-term care insurance notes an AALTCI report in Sales Strategies magazine. 
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