Nationwide Long Term Care
Compare Nationwide Long-Term Care Insurance
Nationwide is one of the better long-term care policies available. Nationwide CareMatters II is a life insurance policy with cash indemnity long-term care benefits. There are numerous moving parts that makes working with a linked-benefit specialist worthwhile.
Comparing Nationwide Long-Term Care? Here are things to look for and discuss with the agent or specialist you are working with;
- Ask how the cash indemnity benefits works.
- Understand why cash can be better than a reimbursement formula.
- See if any benefits remain when all LTC payments are exhausted.
- Compare the various premium payment schedules to find the best for you.
- Check to see if you qualify for any discounts that can save you money.
- Request an illustration and understand the various numbers.
- Ask for a "Specimen Policy" and read the more important points.
Speak With A Nationwide Long-Term Care Agent
The Association can connect you with one specialist who can explain the provisions of this coverage and, if you like, compare various other available options available to you.
Complete the Compare Benefits and Costs form.
Your information will be shared by the Association with JUST ONE linked benefit agent who specializes.
We define a specialist as someone who is
Able to sell multiple LTC insurance companies
Experienced (5+ years)
Dedicated to long-term care solutions
Knowledgeable in BOTH traditional and Linked-Benefit LTC
Overview: Nationwide CareMatters II LTC
Nationwide currently markets CareMatters II. The following is some general information.
To make a truly educated purchase, you should read the company brochure. Request a comprehensive illustration that shows costs and benefits (called an 'illustration').
Most important, we advise requesting a 'Specimen Policy' from your financial advisor or insurance agent/specialist.
Nationwide CareMatters II is a linked-benefit insurance policy that provides long-term care coverage along with a death benefit that ensures your premium won't be lost if you never need LTC.
The following is an example taken directly from the company's brochure. It's a good example, but a specialist can show you many more options.
A few key benefits that specialists like about this policy include the ability to choose who provides your care.
Nationwide CareMatters II is designed to help you receive long-term care in the comfort of your own home or wherever you feel you'll receive the best care.
You have the choice of staying in the home you know and love by using your LTC benefit to make any needed safety and accessibility upgrades while paying the caregivers of your choice — including family members.
Premiums for this product are guaranteed. They will never increase. And benefits are guaranteed to never decrease.
The policy includes a death benefit. However, even if all LTC benefits are paid, your heirs will receive a death benefit equal to 20% of your policy's specified amount.
The Nationwide Care Guide Network is a long-term care resource and referral service tailored to the policyholder's geographic location. This service is available to the policyowner as well as to their spouses, parents, adult children, siblings and parents-in-law.
All details are explained in the policy. This is just a general overview.
Request A Nationwide Long-Term Care Specimen Policy
Here is why we urge individuals to request a 'Specimen Policy' BEFORE BUYING!
Brochures are 'sales pitches'. All policy details are actually spelled out in a contract (the policy).
You don't get your policy until after you apply and are approved by the insurance company.
BUT you can request a 'specimen policy' (and we strong recommend you ask for it. If your agent hesitates, it may be a sign that you are not working with a real specialist.
Nationwide CareMatters II specimen policy is about 21 pages. First page shown here.
It describes everything from how the policy works, to the reports the company will send you. It explains that this policy meets Internal Revenue Code 7702. It also describes your free cancellation rights.
Linked Benefit Information Worth Reading
Understand Why Internal Revenue Codes Matter: Read Vital Differences Between Linked Benefit Plans - 7702 versus 101(G) - Click the link now.
Find A Linked Benefit Long-Term Care Specialist: Linked Benefit Agents - Questions To Ask - Click the link now.
See Actual Linked Benefit Policy Costs: 2022 Linked Benefit Long-Term Care Price Index - Click the link now.
Nationwide Insurance Company Ratings
Nationwide was formally known as Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company. It is Fortune 100 company based in Columbus, Ohio. The company has more than 25,000 employees and offers a wide variety of insurance products including pet insurance, life insurance and auto insurance.
Ratings (subject to change, consult the company's website for latest information)
A.M. Best
received 10/17/2002
affirmed 12/22/2021
(The second highest of 16 ratings)
received 3/10/2009
affirmed 5/27/2020
(The fifth highest of 21 ratings)
Standard & Poor's
received 12/22/2008
affirmed 5/7/2021
(The fifth highest of 21 ratings)