Ways To Overcome Objections
Objection: I Don't Think I'll Ever Need It. Advice from Barbara Hanson CSA - Selling LTCi Since 1995
Prospects generally don't state their real objections. There's typically something deeper and, unless you flush out all the objections, the prospect will send you on a wild goose chase looking for the real issue that keeps them from acting.
So, what I've learned to say is "other than thinking that you may not need it, is there anything else that stops you going forward with this today?"
Often you hear that they're not certain what their children will say. “So Mr. Prospect, let’s assume you spoke to your children today, and they said it was a great idea, would you want to get this started now, or is there anything else you need to know? If they said they will take care of you, is that what you really want for them to do?
The real objection may be that they just don't want to spend the money. When that seems to be the obstacle, I'll say something like, "so, let’s assume you have $6,000 a month that you are able to spend today for 2-3 years" and let them come to their own conclusion as to which is better-- $2,000 a year or $6,000 a month. Then I take it out to 30 years when the cost of the care will probably be $24,000 a month (assuming only 5% growth in cost) and the prospect starts to understand.
One of the best ways to avoid objections at the end of your presentation is to ask the following at the beginning; "Why am I here." This is an opening we've been using for years.
But something that we've just started adding to that is, "so what would be a reason for you not to buy long-term care insurance?" Then listen. If you do this at the beginning of the appointment, you'll know what to hit on through the appointment.
Objection: We Have To Think About It. Advice from Jay Marcus, MBA, Selling LTCi Since 1995
I refer to this as the Columbo Close.
If I come to the end of a presentation and someone says I have to think about it, I'll ask if there's something I said that doesn't make sense. Typically, they'll say no, that they just would like time to talk about it and think things over.
I'll reply enthusiastically with, "Great, I'll be happy to speak with you or meet again, so why don't we make an agreement to speak again next week at such and such a time." That's always agreeable.
Then what I do is close my book, pack up and repeat what a pleasure it was to meet with them. Just as I'm starting to get up, I'll say, "By the way, is it the money?"
The answer is going to be either "Yes" or "No". If the answer is yes, then we'll talk about it and ways we can adjust the premium (cost). The prospects were generally too shy to talk about it and you have another chance to adjust the program to more comfortable levels.
If it's not the money, then I'll affirm saying, "Oh, it's not the money. So what was it really that keeps you from making the final decision then? Either yes or no." That opens up a whole new area and tells me what other objections I have missed. If they say there are no other objections, then I know the prospect really won't move forward.
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