Read This Before Entering
Free entries will only be accepted starting January 20, 2015. Entries prior to that will not be eligible or counted. The final date for free entries is April 20, 2015. Late entries will require payment of a fee.
Enter carefully. When you hit SUBMIT, an Email will be sent confirming receipt of your entry. Review the Email to make sure your entry is correct. This is the only way to know your entry was submitted.
DO NOT CALL THE ASSOCIATION OFFICES to confirm receipt of your entry. Your Email confirms your entry has been entered into the system. You may want to print a copy for your record.
IF YOU MAKE AN ERROR simply re-enter ALL INFORMATION and resubmit. We will use the LAST submission as your correct entry.

All entrants are published in the 2015 LTC Sourcebook (active AALTCI members). No numbers are shows so you have every reason to enter.
Free entry in the awards is a benefit of membership in the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance. All who enter have their names published in the special 2015 edition of the Long-Term Care Insurance Sourcebook.
If you are not a member (or need to renew), join/renew now for $98 (1 year membership).
Here are some of the benefits you'll receive
Online listing on the web's #1 Find An LTC Agent Directory
A copy of the 2014 LTCi Sourcebook (new members only)
A copy of the 2015 LTCi Sourcebook (with your name published as an award entrant)
24/7 access to LTCi's Largest Online Learning Marketing & Sales Center
Free listing on the AALTCI "Find An Agent" Online directory
Low cost E&O, MDRT Qualification +++
Instructions and Rules
Only members of the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance as of April 20, 2015 are eligible to enter the 2015 Awards. If you are not currently a member, please join now. Click here to join before entering.
We will send 1 email to non-members reminding them to join. Only members get their names published imn the 2015 LTC Sourcebook.
You certify that the information you enter is correct and that any approximations are within reasonable limits of plus or minus $1,000. The Association retains the right to request verification and to nullify any entrants where information cannot be substantiated.
Entries that are missing pertinent information may be discarded and not entered.
Entrants authorize the Association to publish their name and ranking in the LTCi Sourcebook and on the Association's Website. We will NOT publish, report or share any specific numbers supplied.
Decisions of the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance (AALTCI) are final. All entrants agree to release and hold harmless AALTCI from any and all liability, claims or actions of any kind.
Invite A Friend
Know another producer who might like to enter the 2015 Sales Achievement Award? Send them an invitation email by clicking on this button:
Do NOT worry about the 2015 reference on the form that opens. Their email will invite them to enter the 2015 Awards!