Most Short-Term Care Insurance applications require that you answer "No" to a series of questions. If any answer to a question is "Yes" the application will be declined. The questions below are samples of the types of questions asked. Companies will also require that you fall within an acceptable WEIGHT RANGE and request information on prescription medications being taken. A sample WEIGHT TABLE is provided below.
Because each insurance company asks different questions, we strongly recommend you speak with a knowledgeable short-term care specialist (Especially if you have some health conditions). You might be declined by one company - BUT ACCEPTED BY ANOTHER.
Examples of Questions: Short Term Care Insurance Applications
A YES answer may not automatically disqualify you with all companies. It pays to speak to a specialist who knows the various company health requirements. Question 1: In the past 24 months have you required assistance or supervision of any kind to perform daily activities such as walking, eating, bathing, dressing, toileting, transferring, maintaining continence, laundry, housekeeping, meal preparation, shopping or managing your finances or medications? Yes No
Question 2: In the past 24 months have you needed the assistance of a brace, walker, wheelchair, multi-pronged cane, crutches, stair lift, chair lift,motorized cart, hospital bed or oxygen? Yes No
Question 3: In the past 24 months have you been treated for heart attack, stroke, congestive heart failure or received any procedure to improve circulation? Yes No
Question 4: In the past 24 months have you had more than one stroke, TIA or mini-stroke or fractures due to osteoporosis? Yes No
Question 5: In the past 24 months have you been confined (or has any doctor recommended that you be confined) to a rehabilitation facility, nursing facility or assisted living facility; or have you received home health care services? Yes No
Question 6: In the past 24 months have you been diagnosed as having internal cancer or metastatic cancer? Yes No
Question 7: In the past 24 months have you had kidney disease requiring dialysis, insulin-dependent diabetes, diabetic neuropathy,diabetic retinopathy or liver disease? Yes No
Question 8: In the past 24 months have you had had Parkinson’s disease, any disease or disorder of the nervous system, senile dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, psychotic disorders or memory loss? Yes No
Question 9: In the past 24 months have you had Lou Gehrig’s disease (ALS), motor neuron disease, Huntington’s chorea, multiple sclerosis, paralysis or amputation of a limb due to a disease? Yes No
Question 10: In the past 24 months have you been treated or diagnosed by a member of the medical profession as having Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) or AIDS-related complex (ARC) or have you been diagnosed as having the HIV virus as indicated by the results of an the ELISA-ELISA Western Blot Test series? Yes No
Question 11: In the past 24 months have you been treated for alcohol or drug abuse? Yes No
Typical Height and Weight Ranges To Apply For Coverage
This is an example. Numbers can vary from one insurer to another.
Height | Minimum Weight | Maximum Weight |
5' 6" | 106 pounds | 254 pounds |
5' 9 | 115 pounds | 269 pounds |
6' 0" | 126 pounds | 285 pounds |
6' 3 | 138 pounds | 303 pounds |
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Call the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance at 818-597-3227.
Or, if you prefer, click This link to request information. There is no-obligation or cost.